
Forensic behavioral science practitioners are primarily focused on why violence occurs, 包括犯罪活动背后的动机. Gaining a greater understanding of the psychology behind threats and violence helps forensic behavioral scientists play a crucial role in building safer societies. 

Evidence-based threat assessment and investigation are critical components of forensic behavioral science. 依靠严谨的研究和事实分析, 这些实践使专业人员能够识别, 评估, 有效地管理潜在的威胁. 在这篇博文中, we will explore the role of evidence-based threat assessment and investigation, 提供事实和高质量的见解. We will also include real-world examples that illustrate the significance of this approach in understanding and addressing threats.

  1. 了解威胁评估: Threat assessment involves a systematic and evidence-based approach to evaluating potential threats and developing strategies to mitigate 防止暴力. 它包括收集相关信息, 信用评估, 风险等级评估, 制定风险管理方案. 依靠循证实践, 专业人士可以确保客观性, 精度, 以及评估的有效性.
  2. 结合心理科学: Forensic behavioral scientists apply psychology principles to enhance threat assessment and investigation processes. Understanding the psychological factors that contribute to violent behavior is essential in accurately evaluating threats. 例如, 对警告信号的评估, 心理健康因素, and behavioral indicators allows professionals to gain insights into the motivations and intentions of individuals who may pose a threat.
  3. 实际的例子: 
    1. 学校枪击事件: Evidence-based threat assessment has proven instrumental in preventing school shootings. 继1999年哥伦拜恩高中的悲剧事件之后, 许多教育机构采用了威胁评估协议. 这些协议涉及一个多学科小组收集信息, 评估潜在风险, 并提供适当的干预措施,以解决已确定的威胁. This approach has been successful in preventing several potential school shootings, emphasizing the effectiveness of evidence-based threat assessment strategies.
    2. 工作场所暴力: 工作场所暴力给员工和组织带来了巨大的风险. Evidence-based threat assessment plays a crucial role in identifying individuals who may exhibit warning signs of potential violence in the workplace. 利用综合评估工具, 专业人士可以客观地评估威胁, 实施预防措施, 制定干预计划,确保安全的工作环境. 现实世界的情况下, such as the “Going Postal” phenomenon in the United States during the 1980s and 1990s, underscore the importance of evidence-based threat assessment in mitigating workplace violence. (托马斯,1986,页. 4)
  4. 协作和信息共享: Effective threat assessment and investigation rely on collaboration among various stakeholders. 执法人员, 心理健康, 教育, and other relevant fields must work together and share information to gain a comprehensive understanding of potential threats. 例如, initiatives such as the Behavioral Threat Assessment Center (BTAC) in the United States promote collaboration between professionals from different backgrounds, 机构, 以及更有效地评估和管理威胁的纪律.
  5. 持续研究与适应: The field of evidence-based threat assessment and investigation continually evolves as new research emerges. Professionals must remain up to date with the latest findings and adapt their practices accordingly. The ongoing study of threat assessment allows forensic behavioral scientists to refine existing methodologies, 提高准确性, 加强预防策略.
  6. 道德的考虑: In all aspects of threat assessment and investigation, ethical considerations are paramount. 专业人员必须遵守严格的道德准则, 确保隐私, 保密, 尊重个人权利. 采用循证实践促进公平, 客观性, 避免偏见或歧视.

通过结合心理科学, 跨学科合作, 并依靠严格的研究, 专业人士可以有效地评估威胁, 降低风险, 防止暴力. Real-world examples demonstrate the successful application of evidence-based approaches, 例如防止校园枪击和解决工作场所暴力问题. Continuous research and adherence to ethical guidelines further contribute to the advancement of this critical field. 通过循证实践, forensic behavioral scientists play a vital role in creating safer communities and minimizing the impact of potential violence.


Thomas R. (1986). 邮寄是一种 美式英语 俚语 一个短语,指变得极端地、无法控制地生气, 常常到了暴力的地步, 而且通常是在工作环境中. The expression derives from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which 美国邮政局 (美国邮政)的工人开枪打死了管理人员, 同工, 警察和普通市民的行为 大规模的谋杀. 1970年至1997年, more than 40 people were killed by then-current or former employees in at least 20 incidents of 工作场所的愤怒.




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