

morjan khademi

萨耶达·摩根·Khademi, 大多数, FABP is a licensed psychologist (CA License #PSY15300), 执照精神分析学家, and fellow of the American Board of Psychoanalysis (FABP). She was the recipient of the American Psychoanalytic Association's Edith Sabshin Teaching Award in 2015, given in recognition of her outstanding contributions as an educator.

She is the founder and clinical director of the Center for Applied 心理学 & Services (CAPS) on the 圣地亚哥 campus of Alliant International University. CAPS is a psychodynamically oriented clinic providing low-cost, long-term psychodynamic treatment to the 圣地亚哥 community at large. 她在圣地亚哥开了一家私人诊所.

  • 心理动力学理论与治疗
  • 心理治疗 intervention and treatment outcome studies
  • 治疗结果
  • 饮食失调
  • 自杀
  • 多元文化的问题
  • 心理治疗
  • 女权主义.
  • 宾夕法尼亚印第安纳大学博士



  • 2015 Recipient of Edith Sabshin Teaching Award (2015) given by the American Psychoanalytic Association in recognition of outstanding contributions as an educator. 纽约,纽约.
  • Blume-Marcovici,. C., & Khademi, M. (2017). 监督哭泣治疗师. 在一个. Blume-Marcovici (Ed.) When therapists cry: Reflections on therapists' tears in therapy. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.
  • Khademi, M. & Miller-Brunetto H. (2016). "An integrated psychodynamic approach to treatment of eating disorders.用G表示. de Campora & G. C. Zavattini (Eds.) Mindful eating: Integrated routes for research and treatment of eating disorders in developmental age. 罗马,意大利:Nova出版社
  • Khademi, M. & Javaheri F. & Giovannelli, F. (2017). "The petrified body: Psychodynamic treatment of a case of selective mutism and conversion hysteria." 《beat365手机版官方网站》 [精神分析杂志]. 阿雷格里港,巴西. http://revista.sppa.org.br/
  • Blume-Marcovici,. C.斯托尔伯格,R. A., & Khademi, M. (2015). "Examining Our Tears: Therapists' Accounts of Crying in Therapy." 美国心理治疗杂志, 69(4), 399-421.
  • Blume-Marcovici,. C.斯托尔伯格,R. A.哈德米,M., & Giromini L. (2015). "When Therapists Cry: Implications for Supervision and Training." 临床督导, 34(2), 164-183.
  • Chidley B.哈德米,M.杜塞特,M., & 小气鬼,K. P. (2014). "Bereavement during motherhood: A mixed method pilot study exploring bereavement while parenting." 丧亲护理, 33(1) 19-27. Http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02682621.2014.902614
  • Blume-Marcovici,.斯托尔伯格,R., & Khademi, M. (2013). “治疗师会在治疗中哭泣吗? The role of experience and other factors in therapists' tears." 心理治疗. DOI: 10.1037/a0031384
  • 美食,R.哈德米,M.,贾德,P. & 米勒,H. (2013). "Deficits in mentalization as a risk factor for the future development of eating disorders: A pilot study." Advances in Eating Disorders: Theory, Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/21662630.2013.794497
  • Gnazzo,.Guerriero, V.哈德米,M.马努吉安,J.卡拉吉安,A.扎瓦蒂诺,G. C. & de Campora, G. (2016). The intergenerational impact of trauma: Individual, family and community implications. 在J. 威廉姆斯(Ed.) Psychopathology: Symptoms, challenges and current concepts. 罗马,意大利:Nova出版社.